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Cyto-Set® Infusion / Infusomat® Space
Safe drug application on the ward

On the ward, prepare the Cyto-Set® Infusion/Infusomat® Space separately from the cytostatic. Fill the system completely with flushing solution (e.g. Sodium Chloride) and vent through PrimeStop. During priming, the Cyto-Set® Infusion/Infusomat® Space is only filled with flushing solution, ensuring safe priming.

The Cyto-Set® Mix prepared in the pharmacy is now connected to the needle-free valves: A tactile click lets you know that the sets are securely connected. This method allows you to connect up to four Cyto-Set® Mix infusions to the system, ensuring always safe drug application.

Flush the IV Set with flushing solution to prevent interactions between different cytostatics.

Avoid contamination with cytostatic agents by flushing the tubing after the final infusion. The entire IV Set is disposed of as a closed system, ensuring safe disposal.