Premilene® Mesh

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Polypropylene mesh for hernia repair

Premilene® Mesh is a mesh implant for re-inforcement of connective tissue structures. It is constructed from monofilament polypropylene, that has been knitted to a thin and elastic shape-stable mesh. After implantation the Premilene® Mesh adapts to the longitudinal and latitudinal expansions taking place in the connective tissue. Premilene® Mesh does not possess any independent pharmacological properties. The polypropylene mesh is biostable and is not degraded in the body.


Re-inforcement material in connective tissue weakness: 

  • For inguinal hernia repair 
  • For primary ventral hernia repair 
  • For incisional hernia repair 
  • For prevention of incisional hernia used as a prophylactic mesh in high-risk patients according to the professional criteria (such as but not limited to: age, nutrition, body mass index, comorbidities, etc.). 

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