Intrafix® SafeSet Type Flush
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IV Administration Set with safety features AirStop and PrimeStop for improved drug application
Innovative IV administration set with inline drip chamber and needle-free access port. In combination with Intrafix® Primeline Flush Secondary Line it offers the possibility to rinse the complete system after each drug with reduction of residual volume left in the line.
IV administration gravity set (G) is an IV administration set for gravity infusions.
IV administration pressure set (P) (pressure resistant acc. to ISO 8536-8) is an IV administration set.
for gravity and pressure infusions with compatible infusion pumps (non-dedicated pump).
3-part drip chamber design
- With elastic bottom chamber and transparent dome. Allows to see drop forming and constant visual monitoring of the flow rate of infusion solutions
- With Micro-Organism tight air vent filter (bacteria-tight and viral filter efficiency) with closable snap cap. Prevents the risk of contamination while venting the solution container4
- With AirStop filter helping to prevent air eintrainment into the infusion tubing2 and particle retention with >80% filter efficiency for particle size of 3 µm
- Fluid line from the finfusion bottle to the patient
- Soft and clear tubing that allows obserance of air bubbles
- Standard lumen 3 x 4.1 mm and standard length 180cm
Roller clamp
- Enables fine and flexible adjustment of flow rates
- Offers spike protection for safe disposal
- With tube dock designed to support handling during priming
Patient Connector
- With screw tight Spinlock adapter to prevent inadvertent disconnection
- With back check valve to reduce the risk of back flow (versions with back check valve)
- With PrimeStop cap lined with a hydrophobic, bacteria tight membrane that stops fluid leaking and helps to protect against contamination (chemical and bacterial tightness / closed system acc. To NIOSH1; 4; 5
Material related information
- Not manufactured with latex/ natural rubber
- Not manufactured with DEHP
- Not manufactured with PVC (only applicable for versions with PUR tubing)
Duration of use
- Duration of use is dependent on the intended therapy according to the SPC of the drug or solution
- In general, change of IV administration sets should occur according national guidelines and/or hospital protocols
- IV administration pressure sets (P) should be changed after 24h at the latest if used with an infusion pump
Needle free valve
- Needle-free IV access with CareSite® reduces the risk of needlestick injuries9; 10
- Needle-free connector is designed to prevent microbial ingress and the escape of contaminants and helps to prevent spillage and drug exposure4; 3
1NIOSH definition: "A device that does not exchange unfiltered air or contaminants with the adjacent environment.”
2Pheriphervenöse Schwerkraftinfusionen – Intrafix® SafeSet mit Vorteilen gegenüber herkömmlichen Infusionssystemen written by lic. rer. pol. Andreas Frei, Die Schwester Der Pfleger 43. Jahrg. 5/04
3Test report - Evaluation of the microbial barrier performance of the female valve Caresite® by touch contamination with Staphylococus aureus signed by Prof. Dr. med. M.Exner and Dr. rer. nat. J. Gebel, Report DMT 2014-194, 09.12.2014
4Test Report - Closed system test by means of Sodium Fluorescein signed by Dr. rer. nat. J. Brünke Quality Labs BT GmbH Nuremberg, Report 1678.2-1, 28.05.2013
5Confirmation PrimeStop Cap - Bacteria retention signed by Gudrun Henke and Andreas Katerkamp, 16.03.2017
6Der vergessene Rest – Totvolumina bei Kurzinfusionen written by N. Lilienthal, Federal Institute of Drugs and Medicinal Devices
7Evaluation of the dead volume in intravenous short-term infusion written by Herbert Plagge, PhD; Juliane Golmick; Delia Bornand; Stefanie Deuster, PhD
8Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice, page 85 published in Journal of Infusion Nursing (January/February 2016, Volume 39)
9American Nurses Association – Independent Study Module: Needlestick Safety and Prevention written by Mary Foley, MS, RN
10Review Article - Review on Needle Free Drug Delivery Systems, International Journal of Pharma Research & Review, written by Bhagyashri Chavan, Abha Doshi, Yashwant Malode, Balu Misal, Sept 2013; 2(9):30-36